Secondary French as 2nd Language

Explore, Learn, and Communicate: Middle French Homeschooling Course.

Our Middle French course provides an excellent foundation for future I/GCSE French studies. Beyond language proficiency, this curriculum fosters cultural understanding and opens young minds to new perspectives.

What Will Students Learn?

Personal Activities and Culinary Adventures

Students delve into topics like personal interests and food, gaining practical linguistic skills in reading, writing, and speaking.

Interpersonal Connections and Nature's Wonders

This section explores relationships and the natural world, enhancing vocabulary and linguistic competence in various contexts.

School Life, Hobbies, and Travel

Students learn to express themselves regarding school, leisure activities, and travel plans, honing their linguistic abilities in diverse situations.

Exploring Home, Paris, and the Global Community

This segment covers topics ranging from one's living environment to the vibrant city of Paris and the broader world, providing a comprehensive linguistic experience.

Key Learning Objectives

This course cultivates proficiency in expressing personal activities and exploring culinary culture in French. Students also build proficiency in discussing relationships, describing nature, school, hobbies, travel, home life, Paris, and global perspectives. Beyond language mastery, students gain a profound appreciation for French culture and society. They will emerge well-equipped for confident and effective communication in French.

What Awaits you at IWS Online School?

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Individual Programmes

Every child is unique. Our personalized assessments and success coaching ensure tallore educational paths for every student.

Dynamic Live Lessons

We prioritize holistic education, combining academic excellence with skill development for a comprehensive learnina experience.

Accredited Curriculum

Experience structured sessions for active participation and collaboration, fostering growth in academics and personal development.

Taking care of parents

Our support specialists are always ready to assist, and our bi-weekly parent assemblies offer a platform to discuss any topic and connect with like-minded families worldwide.

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