I/GCSE English

Exploring space and time through the magic of reading and imagination.

IWS Online School provides comprehensive I/GCSE English Literature. Diverse prose, poetry, and drama. Authorised Cambridge Curriculum for quality virtual lessons, preparing students for advanced studies.

What Will Students Learn?

Cultivating Literary Appreciation

Cultivate appreciation for diverse literary styles and languages. Explore creative expressions with renowned authors and poets globally.

Analysing Impactful Literary Devices

Learners will explore the use of literary devices and creative language, understanding their effects on emotions and conscience, enhancing critical thinking skills.

Comparative Study of Literary Eras

Compare classic to contemporary literary styles. Foster creativity and critical assessment in prose, poetry, and drama formats.

Deepening Cultural Understanding

Explore regional texts for cultural awareness. Foster intellectual growth for humanities fields.

Key Learning Objectives

IWS Online School informs about the Cambridge board exam application for Years 11-13. Choose a local centre, preferred schedule with guidance. Pay fees for seating confirmation. Special support available for I/GCSE learners with needs: extra time, scribes, readers, enlarged papers, separate areas, supervised breaks, and laptop use.

What Awaits you at IWS Online School?

Visionary Educators of IWS Online School

Explore the difference our passionate and committed teachers make in every student's learning journey.

Our teachers are always in touch

Our experienced teachers and mentors are just a message away, ready to assist with lesson-related queries and provide quidance on navigating our online learnina platorm.

Individual Programmes

Every child is unique. Our personalized assessments and success coaching ensure tallore educational paths for every student.

Dynamic Live Lessons

We prioritize holistic education, combining academic excellence with skill development for a comprehensive learnina experience.

Accredited Curriculum

Experience structured sessions for active participation and collaboration, fostering growth in academics and personal development.

Taking care of parents

Our support specialists are always ready to assist, and our bi-weekly parent assemblies offer a platform to discuss any topic and connect with like-minded families worldwide.

Contact Us

Simply fill out the form below, and one of our friendly team members will get back to you as soon as possible. Let’s start your educational journey with us today!

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Student Details
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